mix html

Advanced websites made simple

Download mixhtml JS

What is it ?

mixhtm is a javasript library that allows developers to create advanced websites and single page apps using HTML tags.

Is it safe and secure ?

Since the response is generated in the server and mixhtml renders the HTML in the browser, then is is as secure as the data that the server replies with. Therefore, if the server sanitizes and validates the data correctly, then mixhtml is 100% safe to use.

Who should use it ?

Everyone and every website. It just makes websites easier to code and with a simple HTML tags, the page becomes more advanced and users love a good user experience (UX)

How does it work ?

A few new HTML tags need to be added to some elements in the DOM. These tags instruct mixhtml to create AJAX/Fetch requests to the server. The server replies back with HTML, and mixhtml knows how and where to render the data.

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