mixhtml allows you to create single page apps by adding a few tags to DOM elements. No virtual DOM, no compilation, no complexity.
Yes, React, Vuejs, and a lot of other libraries are more complete and provide more functions. If you need complexity go for those libraries. If you think mixhtml is too simple, then don't use it.
What is mixhtml ?
mixhtml is the opposite of everything you have seen in regards to front-end libraries or frameworks.
The architecture is way different. mixhtml is used to create websites using server side rendering. The response is passed to the client via fetch requests.
If you pay attention to this page, it is a full Single Page App. All of it is built using mixhtml. It just works.
Get surprised! mixhtml doesn't use virtual DOM, no need of npm or nodejs, no need of any pre-compiled code. Everything that happens, happens using the DOM.
It is slow then ? No, it is not. Unless you plan to have tens of thousands of DOM elements. If so, then every page will be slow. Besides, if a user can load so many elements, then it is not a human, so you shouldn't care.
Garbage control
You can create truly Single Page Apps. Every page can be set with a time to live, so once they are loaded, they will have a time span in the browser. This is useful if you have pages that need to expire. mixhtml allows you to create single page apps by adding a few tags to DOM elements. No virtual DOM, no compilation, no complexity.
These are the tags you have to use, in order to create a single page app:
Version 2.0
Better and easier than ever.
Just look at this request:
<form mix-post="items">
That is correct. With just that mix-post you have converted your old app into a modern single page app.
Scroll memory
Every page that has been coded as a single-page app has its own vertical scroll memory. This means that if the user moves between pages, mixhtml will remember the scroll position on each page. Therefore, the user can easily move back and forth without losing the vertical position of the page.
In this website, you can move betwen the different pages shown on the nav bar. Scroll each page to any location and move back and forward between the pages. You will notice that the scholl bar knows about the position in each page.
Safe and secure
Since the response is generated in the server and mixhtml renders the HTML in the browser, then it is as secure as the data that the server replies with. Therefore, if the server sanitizes and validates the data correctly, then mixhtml is 100% safe to use.
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