Advanced websites made simple

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A request needs to be started or triggered. The request, as for this version of mixhtml, can be started on click, on focus, and on blur. All other events,for example: hover, key press, key up, and so on, are most likely unecessary and rarely used and therefore are not part of mixhtml.


Create a GET request. The value points to an URL. If "href" is defined, the URL will be the one defined in "href". The first example is the most recommended one since it makes good use of Search Engine Optimization. Examples:

<a href="/items" mix-get>more</a>

<a mix-get="/items">more</a>


Create a POST request. The value points to an URL. If "action" is defined, the URL will be the one defined in "action". mix-post must be used together with mix-data. Examples:

<form id="frm" action="/items" mix-post mix-data="#frm">

<form id="frm" mix-post="/items" mix-data="#frm">


Create a PUT request. The value points to an URL. If "action" is defined, the URL will be the one defined in "action". mix-put must be used together with mix-data. Examples:

<form id="frm" action="/items" mix-put mix-data="#frm">

<form id="frm" mix-put="/items" mix-data="#frm">


Create a DELETE request. The value points to an URL. Examples:

<button mix-delete="/items/1">Delete</button>


Selector defining the element that contains the data that will be sent to the server. Usually a form. mix-data must be used together with mix-post or mix-put. Examples:

<form id="frm" action="/items" mix-post mix-data="#frm">

<form id="frm" mix-put="/items" mix-data="#frm">


Selector defining the element that will be shown while the request and response are being processed. The shown element will be hidden as soon as mixhtml finishes handling the response.

<form id="frm" action="/items" mix-post mix-wait="#loader">


Sets an "onfocus" event on the element. This tag should be used in an input or text field.

<input mix-post="/items" mix-focus>


Sets an "onblur" event on the element. This tag should be used in an input or text field.

<input mix-post="/items" mix-blur>


Caption shown on the button. This text is set once the ajax/fetch request has finished. Used together with mix-await.

<button mix-default="Get item"></button>


Caption shown on the button while the ajax/fetch request is being processed. Used together with mix-default

<button mix-default="Get item"></button>


Defines the rules that the element must past in order for the Ajax/Fetch request to take place. The values is a regular expression.

<input mix-post="/items" mix-check="^.{2,20}$">


The response consists of two parts. A <template> and the DOM element/s inside it. If one or multiple DOM elements are grouped, then 1 template can contain the instructions to interact with those grouped elements. If the elements are not part of a group, for example the header and the footer, then the response should contain 2 templates. On template to interact with the header and 1 template to interact with the footer.

Note: If mix-replace, mix-before, mix-after, mix-top, or mix-bottom are not defined, then the default action will be to replace the innerHTML of the target element.


Contains the instructions that will be understood by mixhtml in the browser. A <template> has HTML tags to define the target element and the position.



One CSS selector defining which element will be used to set the new data. Can be any element that is defined in the DOM.

<template mix-target="#item"></template>

<template mix-target="[id='item']"></template>


The new DOM elements will replace the target element.

<template mix-target="#item" mix-replace></template>


The new DOM elements will be positioned before the target element.

<template mix-target="#item" mix-before></template>


The new DOM elements will be positioned after the target element.

<template mix-target="#item" mix-after></template>


The new DOM elements will be positioned at the top/beginning the target element.

<template mix-target="#item" mix-top></template>


The new DOM elements will be positioned at the bottom/ebd the target element.

<template mix-target="#item" mix-bottom></template>


Instructs mixhtml to redirect the page to a new location. It doesn't interact with any DOM element, therefore mix-target is not needed and it doesn't need any internal DOM elements since they will be ignored.

<template mix-redirect="https://some-page"></template>


mix-function Set the name of the own defined function to be called. The data inside the <template> will be passed to the function.


Inside the <template> the new DOM elements should be defined. Any HTML element/s can be part of it. The parent element can contain mixhtml tags to instruct to browser to act on those tags.

Note: If mix-replace, mix-before, mix-after, mix-top, or mix-bottom are not defined, then the default action will be to replace the innerHTML of the target element.


Time To Live (ttl). Defines how many milliseconds the element should exist in the browser. When the ttl expires, the element will be remove from the browser.

<div mix-ttl="1000">Item</div>


If an element should fade out slowly from the DOM, this class must be added to it. The speed and the time for the fade out can be set in the CSS.

<div mix-fade-out">Item</div>

Single Page App (SPA)

Building a Single Page App is quite complex, yet mixhtml makes it simple. A few HTML tags need to be added to the DOM and with a little logic in the back-end, then the website can be turned into a SPA. This website is actually a SPA and it uses mixhtml to do it.

Note: If mix-replace, mix-before, mix-after, mix-top, or mix-bottom are not defined, then the default action will be to replace the innerHTML of the target element.


The URL that will be pushed to the history of the browser. This will allow a user to move back and forward between pages. Combine this tag with mix-on-url, so when the user moves between pages, the mix-on-url will show and hide different elements.

<div id="index" mix-push-url="/">Item</div>

<div id="docs" mix-push-url="/docs">Docs</div>


When a user moves between pages, the mix-on-url will work together with mix-push-url. If both are a match, then mix-on-url will start using the mix-hide and mix-show to hide and show different elements in the SPA

<div mix-on-url="/" mix-hide="main" mix-show="#home">Home</div>


Sets the title of the page in the tag <title>


CSS selector defining which element/s will be hidden in the DOM

<div mix-on-url="/" mix-hide="main">Home</div>


CSS selector defining which element/s will be shown in the DOM

<div mix-on-url="/" mix-show="#main">Home</div>